Why You Need to Write Your Bucket List NOW!

As I approach my 53rd birthday, I feel a greater sense of urgency and motivation to fulfill my bucket list experiences before it’s too late. Maybe it’s because I work in a hospital in the critical care and trauma units so I see things most people don’t;  lives cut short due to accidents,  a cancer diagnosis, or a fatal illness. I’ve listened to countless tragic stories over the years of people who thought they had all the time in the world to fulfill their dreams, only to discover they did not. It’s heartbreaking….and eye opening.   I’m finding many of my 50 something friends feel the same way I do about aging and dreams unfulfilled…  our conversations revolve around the obvious changes in our physical appearances, the little aches and pains that won’t go away,  the places we haven’t explored, and the enriching experiences we haven’t gotten around to.

Let’s face it, many of us are so busy trying to squirrel away money for retirement and so fearful of running out of it that life just seems to be an endless circle of repetitive duties. BORING! Do we wait until we hit retirement at age 70 to start living with passion?  What if our bodies don’t allow us to trek to the far corners of the earth, or strap on the waterski, or hike Cinque Terre? It becomes a very real threat at this age and I’ve decided that, for me, it’s time to make that list of places and adventures I must have before the big “D” and find a way to make them happen. Here are my top 5 reasons why making a bucket list can’t wait…

To live more expansively. A friend and I were catching up over lunch one day and she spoke about a friend of hers whom she admired so much, as she lived such an “expansive” life.  I realized in that aha moment that I wanted to be that person.  It was a huge turning point for me and I immediately started getting serious about my blog, meditating regularly, and fueling my passions; all because of that one word. Thanks Roberta 🙂

To live by the Law of Attraction. In a nutshell, thoughts are energy and we attract what we think about.  By putting our list of dreams to paper we are asking the universe to bring these positive experiences into our lives. It’s a form of creative visualization and it truly works.

To live without regret. No more coulda, shoulda, woulda.

To live without fear. Living a curious and trusting life eliminates fear. This is a big one for me…the self proclaimed worry wart.

To truly live.

Here’s my short list..

Meditate in Bali, The Island of the Gods. This has been an obsession of mine for years. Known for its yoga and meditation retreats, volcanic mountains, illustrious rice fields, idyllic beaches, and diverse marine life, it is a “once you go, you know” kinda place that I must experience in this lifetime. And it looks like I may be headed there this spring. More on that later…

Learn to surf at Las Olas Surf Safaris. Set  in a magical village by the sea near Puerto Vallarta, this summer camp for adult women looks heavenly. In addition to surfing, the cliffside resort offers yoga, massage, guacamole and margarita making, beadwork classes, and a sea turtle release program. A bohemian paradise…

Cultivate a taste for fine wines in Provence. I have always wanted to take a wine trip and Provence, France is the ticket. I experienced a taste of it (no pun intended) on an excursion to the picture perfect village of Avignon on a Mediterranean cruise a few years ago and it left me wanting more. Think rolling vineyards, olive groves, lavender fields, and pine forests; plus the glamourous French Riviera to satisfy us mermaids.  Airbnb offers a diverse selection of  housing options here, from renovated village homes to mountain retreats to beachside flats.

Luxuriate in an overwater bungalow in the Maldives. Located atop a vast submarine mountain range in the Indian ocean, the Maldives is the lowest geographical point above sea level in the world. Rising sea levels threaten its very existence, making it an even more appealing bucket list item. The Lily Beach Resort and Spa is a perfect place to call home for a sybaritic stay, with a very generous all-inclusive plan and a 5 star spa.

Go on safari in Tanzania, then hit Zanzibar Island off the coast for the best of both worlds (and my two favorite things, animals and ocean). Tanzania is a sovereign state in eastern Africa. It is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain. Zanzibar, known as the Spice Island, is a blissful beach destination with a rich cultural heritage and diverse architectural styles. Audley Travel offers unique custom vacation packages to these locations.

Take a Windstar cruise to anywhere! I love the idea of a sailing yacht cruise experience, as it is more intimate and can access lesser known islands and locations than the big ships. Windstar is highly rated for it’s courteous, attentive staff, fine dining,  and stunning anchorages.

Ok your turn. I would love to hear what your bucket list items are in the comments section below. It’s time  to manifest the life of your dreams…


  1. Rob says:

    To stay at the Igloo Village Kakslauttanen and watch the northern lights

  2. Melinda says:

    Great post!! Let’s see…. See in person the blue waters of the Mediterranean set against the stark white buildings of the Greek isles. Trek across Ireland to visit the counties my family came from. Explore Patagonia. Do Oktoberfest in Germany. See the northern lights. See a volcano erupting like in Hawaii where the lava is constantly flowing. Just to name a few…. 🙂

  3. Jack A Chapple says:

    Sounds like a great list to me!

  4. kala sheckler says:

    I’m totally crawling in your back pocket. Your Bucket list sounds magical. So many dreams and wants. You are right we should start a list. Just for fun. great for setting goals. Loved your article and your kindred adventurous spirit.


    • lisafmullin@msn.com says:

      So glad you are enjoying the spirit of the blog. Makes me happy that others appreciate it. The list is a good way to put our desires out into the universe and helps us focus on things that truly enrich our lives, rather than just our daily responsibilities. Here’s to the dreamers…

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