Life Lessons From Millie

This week I almost wrote a post entitled “10 Reasons NOT to start a travel  blog”.   I was slumped over the computer for hours upon hours,  burning up my free time from my real job in an attempt to understand the world of technology and get the blog set up with all the bells and whistles necessary to build a presence on social media.  Let me just tell you folks –   this stuff is NOT for sissies.  The beautiful videos, stunning pictures, enticing descriptions of the most beautiful places on earth looks like the best job in the world…and it probably is.  But it is WORK !  My head is literally spinning from all the information I have been trying to process …. HTML, activation codes, access tokens,  plug-ins, OptinMonster, MailChimp, and Social Pug.   Even the tutorials on how to apply this stuff looks like Chinese to me.  I nearly threw in the towel yesterday.  I mean I’m a creative person, a writer, a dreamer.   I just want to go to Bali, live in a swimsuit,  and write about it.  There’s a reason I’m not in IT!

But then I looked down at my feet and the golden nugget lying there.  The true north in my life.  My furry bundle of love who is content with nothing more than food, affection, and a little exercise.   Whose life goals are to have fun, be fierce (when necessary), and sleep as much as possible.  To Millie life is all about the little things:  peanut butter treats, walks in the neighborhood to visit with all the resident dogs and people, car rides with the windows open, snuggles on the couch,  and most importantly…. tennis balls!   We can learn a lot from our pets.

Having put things into a little better perspective from Millie’s point of view, I decided to apply her guiding life principles to building my blog and to recite my new mantra daily…

Have FUN, be FIERCE, and get enough REST!

  1. Sarah says:

    Perfect …. don’t ever stop dreaming my friend!

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